Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Planning Stages

Welcome to the Year of the Survivor Blog. We are well into the planning stages for a great weekend, January 6, 7th and 8th 2012. We are celebrating the tenth anniversary of the public awareness of what was then named the Clergy Abuse Crisis. From the humble beginnings of just a few people standing out side the Cathedral of the Holy Cross to the now world wide attention of survivors from across the globe, we will come together in solidarity and mutual respect.

In one decade we have moved at lightening speed to bring about changes in the church and in the courts. What has taken centuries in the calendar of the church we have brought about a dramatic change in just ten years. From our individual abusers to the current pope, investigations have been launched world wide. The theme of clergy sexual abuse has been the subject of books, movies, news reports and grand jury reports.

The abuse crisis has hit every denomination on the planet. From the Catholic Church to the Church of Scientology, children and vulnerable adults have been violated. However we are beginning to recover with the support of each other, and others in the Survivor Community.

It is in this spirit of community that we will gather next January. Updates will be made as soon as they are ready. Information on events, hotels and parties and other details will be posted here for you benefit. I hope many of you can join us to celebrate the Year of the Survivor!

Robert Costello